Wahahaha~~~~ Finally I've pass my driving test! I am now a driver! Woohoo........thank god..... I almost fail my uphill today.... Luckily there was a second chance....phew phew phew! After the uphill, everything went smoothly and as what I've expected..... Finally, my dream to drive around KL can come true in few more days after i get my P license,yeah yeah yeah! However....I still have to get the permission from my father and mother...I dont think they will allow me to long gai so fast...but I can still fetch my brother to school, fetch my mother to pasar....not bad huh...hehe....
Still have to work this week....haiz...so lazy man~~Anyway, i will get my freedom back in May! Imaging I'm driving around KL....wahaha.....dreaming again~~cant wait! TIME please flow faster!!! I need my P license and stop working~~~