昨天 是我人生中 最震撼的一天
从来没想过 自己也有这一天
不知为什么 泪水自然而然的留下
流完了 干了 累了
但 一旦碰到。。。
可是睡着了 又会被惊醒
想尽办法消肿 都没用 怎么办
到学校上课时 没办法专心
不能让自己静下来 因为
鼻子酸酸的 真怕上课到一半泪水洒地
不断的忍着 又忍 眼睛水水的
还好今天雨天 能说自己伤风感冒
朋友们 若你们看见这篇文章
时间 是我的最佳良药
但我会尽快恢复正常 乐观面对
谢谢你们的支持 你们的谅解
心痛 对于某人真的真的非常心痛
想放手 却又害怕失去
我 束手无策 慌了手脚
所以 手帕或毛巾都会带在身边
致 我最亲爱的家人 尤其是爸爸
爸爸 谢谢你的谅解 你的容忍
相信 明天会更好。。。
但 我会尽量避免 努力加油
天 你要多关照我
我 无言感激
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Blood Donation
I've donated my blood yesterday! Felt so happy that I was brave enough to donate my blood~ The most happy thingy was I'm still normal and didn't feel any dizzy after the blood donation...just felt like my legs got no energy because got frighten by the BIG and thick needle...lol....Honestly, the needle is really really big compared to those needle use for injection...
We need to fill up the blood donation form and answer some questions regarding our health problems and other related questions to ensure that our blood is safe. Then a blood test will be carry out to test whether we got enough blood to be donated or not. The second test is to test our blood type. Mine is blood type A. There are some requirements that we need to fulfill before giving out our blood - eat something before the donation, sleep for at least 5 hours before donate, above 45kg and so on.
After meal, Kai Ling and I went back to the open hall and saw few guys with pale and extremely white face! That made my felt even more nervous man! After all the registration this and that........deng deng deng deng......finally......everything had done and I had to go to an empty seat and start to donate my blood....
Keep on telling myself....calm down calm down.....then the nurse inject the anesthetic...my hand was shaking a little bit...lol.....juz cant control it.....after that the real one came out! The big and thick needle use to deliver the blood! I was stunned for a few seconds when the nurse took out the needle and inject into my skin... After that, lot of blood flow out....my feeling was like.....phew.....finally......I scare that the nurse cant get into the right position and have to re-inject the needle again and again...luckily~
After the donation we have to rest on the seat for about 10 minutes then only get down so that wont feel dizzy. I felt normal after the donation, juz that a bit tired and 脚软...lol.... I think my condition is much more better... A teacher fainted after the donation....same as Man Kay....Kai Ling pula felt cold for few hours after the donation...
Anyway, there are a lot of benefits of blood donation! Apart from helping people, our body can generate more new blood cells and get healthier... Besides that, we can get 8 marks for our kokor marks...haha....and some reward from the pusat darah negara which are free service for wad and treatment if you get sick in few months with terms and conditions! Wow....so many benefits! I think Im going to continue donating my blood until Im not able to do so~~haha.... Forgot to take some photos as kenangan.....my first time ma....hahaha~
We need to fill up the blood donation form and answer some questions regarding our health problems and other related questions to ensure that our blood is safe. Then a blood test will be carry out to test whether we got enough blood to be donated or not. The second test is to test our blood type. Mine is blood type A. There are some requirements that we need to fulfill before giving out our blood - eat something before the donation, sleep for at least 5 hours before donate, above 45kg and so on.
After meal, Kai Ling and I went back to the open hall and saw few guys with pale and extremely white face! That made my felt even more nervous man! After all the registration this and that........deng deng deng deng......finally......everything had done and I had to go to an empty seat and start to donate my blood....
Keep on telling myself....calm down calm down.....then the nurse inject the anesthetic...my hand was shaking a little bit...lol.....juz cant control it.....after that the real one came out! The big and thick needle use to deliver the blood! I was stunned for a few seconds when the nurse took out the needle and inject into my skin... After that, lot of blood flow out....my feeling was like.....phew.....finally......I scare that the nurse cant get into the right position and have to re-inject the needle again and again...luckily~
After the donation we have to rest on the seat for about 10 minutes then only get down so that wont feel dizzy. I felt normal after the donation, juz that a bit tired and 脚软...lol.... I think my condition is much more better... A teacher fainted after the donation....same as Man Kay....Kai Ling pula felt cold for few hours after the donation...
Anyway, there are a lot of benefits of blood donation! Apart from helping people, our body can generate more new blood cells and get healthier... Besides that, we can get 8 marks for our kokor marks...haha....and some reward from the pusat darah negara which are free service for wad and treatment if you get sick in few months with terms and conditions! Wow....so many benefits! I think Im going to continue donating my blood until Im not able to do so~~haha.... Forgot to take some photos as kenangan.....my first time ma....hahaha~